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3 September 2016

YY Kawaii Review - Sailor Mercury

Decoden iPhone 6 Case by YYKawaii <3 

In advice the quality of images are mixed as I got this case months ago, however this case is for my new phone which I only just got the other week. 

So there are pictures from the day I got it that I took on my old phone (I dunno why I didn't use my camera, don\t ask), a few selfies with my new phone and newer images from my camera. 
I apologise for not having an image of the packaging which I usually do, I was sure I took photos of everything but maybe I lost them between the time of receiving the case and getting my new phone. 
It came with a little business card which provided tips on looking after your case and a leaflet to Hyper Japan as the store usually has a stall there (I will go one year). 
The case itself was in this pretty bag, which was very handy for me as I wasn't using the case for months.

I dunno if they all have the same bag design but I thought it matches the Sailor Moon theme well.

I can't remember the processing or shipping times as I was in no rush for my case so I didn't note it down. However please be aware if you make n order that she makes a lot and has to spend time on each one to design and create so be patient.  The shop is in England so if you live here the shipping won't take long at all but I can't say for anywhere abroad. 

I can't talk much about pricing on this review as I was actually lucky enough to win this case, I definitely recommend following YYKawaii on instagram to be aware of giveaways and to just observe all the cute cases. They also have a Sales account too you should follow. 

I got to choose my favourite Sailor Scout and as you can see that is Mercury, she also asked what colours I liked. My favourite colour is blue and she chose to pair it up with yellow which isn't a colour I usually don't choose but I love the combination and since getting this case I have been appreciating yellow more and then I joined team Instinct so I felt as though it was fate. 

This case is super cute, as you can see, I love the sweet theme and how chunky it is (I'm weird and don't like holding super thin phones). 

Here are a few closer shots of the case ; 

And as you can see there is glitter in the blue whip and I really like how the yellow is kind of shiny too? More cuteness~ 

My siblings were a little anxious towards these colours with my rose gold phone but they look even cuter together~. Can you tell what the main word in this review is? :'3 

Now I wanted to mention this last, it's the only negative and it's nothing to do with YYKawaii. It depends on the figure you have, if you have a case like Mercury which has a hair flick going forward be careful. This is my current only case for my new phone so I have been using it nonstop for a week and the paint has come off her flick. 

However, when I first noticed this and consulted my family on it, I literally had to point it out. To those who haven't payed that much attention to the figure previously it's not too noticeable/ from further away. But you as the owner will notice so be careful where you place the phone down. 

As you can see here the paint chip actually looks like a highlight from further away? So either be careful or don't use it 24/7 like me if you don't want it wearing a bit, as some of my whip has also 'frayed' a bit but I am using it all the time, it hasn't effected the look of the case though, I still love it. 

Thank you for reading, in conclusion I love this case, it's adorable and well made and I definitely recommend YYKawaii

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