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29 October 2014

Planning for Halloween ・ω・(Attempted tutorial)

Happy Halloween



Halloween is almost upon us and earlier this month I was starting to worry a bit about my makeup. I had an idea, which is Cheshire Cat but in a dark twist of fate he gets attacked and half is mouth is cut open.
The look was so clear in my mind yet I still felt the need to practice.

This was my first attempt, it was okay but I wanted to have an attempt at making the ripped mouth more 3D and realistic.

That was a week or so ago.

The week before Halloween I'm spending at my boyfriends (Yay ❤) so I attempted a second attempt to my makeup the night before I went (resulting in it being a stupid late hour).

Here is a kind of 'tutorial' of this attempt... I filmed it as well so if you would like to check out the video and my channel click this link ~

Please look at my newest tutorial for this look here 

1. Black Circle Lenses from
(review up soon)

2. Using Snazaroo white paint and Stargazer white foundation, I attempted to 'blank out' my face. I'm debating whether to keep it like this or stick to my skin tone.

3. Apply PVA glue where the mouth will be 

4. Then apply toilet paper 

5. Try to add layers... This, as you can see in the video, didn't go well for me so I only had one layer. 

6. Once it is decently dry, get tweezers and remove and tare the tissue to create the 'gash'. 

7. Work on 'Good Eye'
Purple eyeshadow
And liquid Eyeliner 
(and mascara but not in this pic...) 

8. 'Bad Eye'
I used a Halloween face pain kit from Poundland... A mixture of purple, red, burgundy and black. Tried to make it look sore and bruised or something but I'm unsure now I think about it...

(also started the nose at some point)

9. Add other details such as the dots where the whiskers would start, and I attempted some kind of fur detail? I was pretty tired when doing this...

10. Back to the mouth.
Use eye liner to draw out your mouth and then fill it in (the 'good half')

Sorry don't have a photo of that

11. Using the same paints as the 'bad eye' I just mixed it inside and out the 'gash', wish I had put a few teeth and more detail but it was just an experiment really.


That was it really... Quite simple but I imagine it'll take me a while to get better at this look, which I'll definitely do another tutorial for when I do.
Oh and my cat ears hadn't arrived when I did this so diclonius horns to the rescue~.

If you have any inquiries or advice on sfx makeup then please leave a comment c:

Thank you for reading and visiting my blog

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