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27 November 2014

SkinFood Review 1

So a few months ago I treated myself to some SkinFood products, my skin is terrible and one of recent goals is to have nicer skin. So I started a proper skin routine and I felt these were necessary. 

The products I got were SkinFood Salmon Brightening Eye Cream
and SkinFood Salmon Dark Circle Concealer 

As you can see my main focus is to get rid of my horrible dark circles under my eyes, I am still trying to get more sleep as obviously that is a big factor but I know myself well enough to know that will take time... 

Onto the review~. 

I stupidly didn't make notes of the costs when I bought them but I don't think they would have changed. 

If you clicked on the links you would see that these were bought from SkinFood on amazon. 
They are a little pricey:
Eye Cream is £14.02
Concealer £12.47 

I believe the total shipping was £3.75 as they were shipped together, saving a little bit of money there. 

So overall cost me £30.24
Surprising myself now, wow that is quite a lot...  I'm sure it was only 20 something when I bought them...
;>.<; Oh well

However though they are pricing they seem to be lasting quite a lot.

Theses are photos of the products when I got them:

Here's the packaging as well, loads of bubble wrap, nice and safe.

The products~
 I really like the designs of these little tins. c:

First time opening them:
Eye Cream

it may look like there's a lot missing but you can faintly see it's on the plastic cap thing.

This cap thing *points to the left*, it keeps getting stuck in the lid but it was good at the beginning to stop the product falling out.

So the eye creme tin was full from top to bottom.

I've been using this creme almost every day for just over the past 15 weeks.
And here is how much I have used

Not much at all, I'm certain this will last me a while. When I do finish each product I will put it at the end of this review.


For some reason I didn't take a picture of the concealer when I got it but unlike the cream it doesn't go all the way down to the bottom of the tin as you can see in this picture.

However this doesn't bother me, I use this quite a lot but not everyday like my cream.
I've only really touched the surface with this product.

So they may be on the more expensive side but they will last you a while.

But of course the main reason to buy it is because of how well it works.

These were my dark circles before I used either products.

 So bad /).(\

This is after two weeks, quite a nice improvement I think.
Slightly out of focus >.< oops

43 days after I began, I did have a photo in between these but it's on my missing memory card...

They look a lot smaller here, yay, this is 57 days.
(I have a review on these lenses also here)

Sorry it's not a closeup but I thought I could still use this photo.
Around 64 days

105 days
It looks so much healthier c: I'm sure you can agree
Here is at the beginning so you can compare

And I still have loads of product left. I will also post a picture of how my dark circles are when I have completed the tin.

So as you can see this eye cream works lovely, even if you fail at sleeping enough like myself.

Now onto the concealer
I took these both on the same morning (3 days after my last picture with the eye cream, 108 days)

Before Concealer

After applying concealer (no other makeup involved)

Almost completely gone~ Makes me so happy ^-^

As you can guess I didn't sleep too well that night but the concealer helped so much. Obviously the darker the circles the more you put on but as you seen I've barely used much. I also was a bit scared when looking at the colour in the tin if it would be right for me but it matched my skin tone really well, and can be applied without foundation.

So I am very happy with these products, they did cost a bit more than I would have hoped but you can't complain that much if the results are this good.

Thank you for reading my review, I hope this helped.
If you have any questions please leave a comment below.

Edit - I finished the eye cream on the 20th September (2015) and I still have a lot of concealer left. 

16 November 2014

Halloween and Goth Weekend 2014 ♡

Weekend at the Creepy Coast 



So you may have read my last post about my attempt of a Cheshire Cat look for Halloween, here I wanted to show how the makeup looked on the day and how my amazing sister looked~.
We were 'Halloweeny' Alice (in Wonderland) and Cheshire Cat.

I forgot the blood again >.<. Which I don't know how that was possible with Emma having so much but it didn't look too bad. My sister looked amazing though, I should get her to teach me.

We were staying in Robin Hood's Bay so on Halloween night we just walked around frightening people, not really, we got a mixture of reactions to impressed to shocked, it's Halloween, this is the norm. 
There were more decorations and people dressing up than I expected, the Halloween atmosphere was definitely there, especially with the usual ghost walk going on that we happened to meet a few times.
Also I actually got scared, I just missed it on camera, but we were walking up the main road and suddenly heard a loud bang, it sounded like a firework that went off on the ground. It came from the direction we were heading to so we weren't sure what to do... We continued and never found what it was. We will never know I guess.

And I'm glad we carried on up the hill because when we were on our way back we found one of the coolest things on Halloween. It was a flashing balloon, a white balloon with a ghost drawing on that had an LED inside. I don't understand why someone would leave that, plus I wanna know where you can get one.

Got no chocolate or sweets but had a nice night, here are some cute pumpkins I appreciated.
Derpy and chibi.

Goth Weekend




Took quite a bit to get ready, I admit, so got to Whitby for around 1pm. So one of the first things we did was find a bench to have our pack lunch, it was really nice to see all the people in their lovely outfits, though every time someone walked past I was like "please don't look at me when I eat >.<".
But once we had eaten, we took some pictures ourselves c:

I was planning on going in Shironuri but I still haven't perfected the white foundation routine so I just made myself look as pale as I could. ^-^

-can't find other 'bench' photos-

So then we went and looked around the stalls, there were so many pretty ones, a few very weird too, it was a good job I had no money or I don't know if I would of resisted buying a pair of pretty horns.
My mum bought a headpiece that I shall borrow at some point~.

A picture of my sister, niece and me waiting outside the stalls.
Everyone loved Beau's little skeleton outfit, she's so cute.

Then we went to the arcade later to get a photo in the Da Vinci Booth

I don't know why it's made it portrait on here... But for some reason Beau is a ghost baby, I still really like it though. c:

Sorry I didn't take pictures of other people's outfits, I was too scared to as people. ;~;
But there was so much variety, Victorian, Steam Punk, Dead Disney characters, Carnival, it was amazing.


Tried to get to Whitby a bit earlier for the last day, but still got there for lunch time...
I magically found my friend Rachel both days, I searched for other people I knew but found no one else, and awkwardly didn't take a picture with her. ;>.<;

We walked around a lot, this time I actually took some pictures of people (my mum asked).

I like how I captured the contrast of the awesome pirates and the ordinary people behind. ^¬^ ahaa 

 This pretty lady was standing for some photos so I took a photo myself. I wanted to compliment her outfit but timidness *sigh*.

Plus I wish I had a parasol with my outfit, it was surprisingly sunny.

I don't know exactly what I would call this but it is amazing.
Everything looked hand made, especially the mask, and headpiece.


We then met this sweet couple that loved Beau's cat outfit.
This guys ride was amazing, lucky Beau for sitting in it.

After I took these a saw a sweet lolita, but she dissapeared soon after and I never saw her again. I wanted a photo with her ;>~<; Uguu!
We went to a few shops and got more Da Vinci photos (forgot to take pics) and then went to the beach.
Such a busy day huh Beau?

Pictures we took on the beach.

More 'normal' people :O

My alpaca (I need help thinking of a name...)
loves the beach. uwu tehehee

Showing off my super cute alpaca
(review here)

My wonderful mum <3

Beau with Granny, I believe Emma took this pretty picture.
As you can see it was starting to get dark but still nice weather (so British... ahaa). /).~

I really like this photo~ Beau really likes my alpaca :'3 Super cute.

How not to take a family photo xD ahaa

After the beach, we walked around more, I like walking...
And as it started to get dark and most of the shops were closed, my mum treated us to a Costa hot chocolate.

Great way to end a fun weekend~ ^-^

I look stupid but it was yummy so yay.

How was everyone's Halloween?
And what Costa drinks do people like? I always get hot chocolate so I feel I need to try something new uwu tehee

Goth Weekend Video -uploaded soon-