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17 July 2015

Lolita Logins ~ 1. After 5 Years

Hello and welcome to my new section of my blog, and as you can probably guess it's about the amazing Japanese fashion style named Lolita.

I have known and admired lolita for around 5 years now, I know that is a super long time, but when I first discovered it I really didn't like, and there for didn't care much about, my appearance. I was over weight, which there is nothing wrong with I just didn't like it personally for me, I had loads of spots and my hair just sat there... I did try though, I bought a dress, a Wa Lolita style so it covered a lot but I only wore it about two times and then stuffed it in my wardrobe.

I still loved the style though along with other Harajuku fashion styles, and continued to draw them and blog them on my tumblr.

So a few years later, I was starting to loose weight, looking after myself better, and my hair was becoming pretty awesome. I was going to finish school soon so prom was on the way and of course, I wanted to dress in lolita. I originally wanted a dress form Metamorphose however I understood my parents didn't have much money so I found a site called Milanoo and found a simple, pretty pink JSK that was under £50, one of the cheapest prom dresses I think.

Didn't wear it that great because I ran out of time to buy a petticoat but I still felt confident and kind of cute, I also got compliments; I'm sure I recall one of my teachers saying I looked like a Japanese cartoon character, I loved the compliment.

Now I am in my third year of college, I think I know what I want to do with my life, I want to be a fashion designer, and I want to design lolita dresses into my line. But before I can do so, I need to wear it more.

Now you know the back story, welcome to my lolita logins.
Here I will blog about my journey into lolita fashion.

So far I have two dresses, but nothing I would quite call a co-ordiniate yet.

I also have joined two lolita groups near where I live so hopefully I can make more friends that like the fashion. And I have also joined a UK sales group on Facebook.

So I am trying to complete a co-ord with my JSK, and maybe my Wa dress too, before I purchase a new dress (I also need to save up...).

I have never purchased a well known brand dress but luckily my friend Jenna made a video about it which was super helpful.

Now to save money, search and buy.

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